What is White Tea? | Premium White Tea Becomes More Common | Health Benefits of Drinking White Tea

Some excellent white tea is winding up progressively normal as more individuals come to value its sensitive taste and outstanding medical advantages.

White tea is an antiquated Asian tea, when held for progressively refined issues in China.

Green tea, additionally since quite a while ago esteemed for its therapeutic and restorative properties, has turned into an advanced staple for some Westerners. But the more subtle premium white teas are being favored for their even higher levels of nutrients.

What is White Tea?

White tea comes from the plant, Camellia sinensis, the same source as black, green and oolong teas-but it is processed differently. There are many grades, depending on how the leaves are selected and picked. The more premium white tea is made of only the first and youngest leaves of early spring. White tea is named for the white downy-like fuzz that covers each leaf. The leaves are picked when the buds are fresh and tender, then gently air-dried. White tea is processed the least of teas.

A classic cup of loose white tea is made with the whole dried leaves. The loose white tea leaves infuse the hot water with the fullness of their full flavors. They can be crushed into tea bags, but retain less potency and flavor.

The Health Benefits of Drinking Loose White Tea Japanese studies have determined that white teas have the highest medicinal value. They appear to be highest in antioxidants, with more anti-viral and anti-bacterial qualities than the already nutrient-rich green tea. The young leaves and buds of the loose white tea have more of the amino acid theanine, impartng more relaxing and mood enhancing properties than the older leaves of the green and black teas. White tea extract is even being used in the cosmetic industry to stop skin from sagging.

Shu Mee White Tea for a Premium Cup of Tea Shu Mee white tea is one of the most popular teas for a quality premium white tea. It is a lower end premium tea, yet it retains all the finer properties of the best type of premium white tea, taken from the most delicate buds. Shu Mee white tea leaves are selected and picked in late April, May and June. They are slightly sweet and nutty in taste without any grassy undertones like green tea. The loose white tea can brew to a light red color.

When shopping for a good loose white tea, look for products marked as fair trade white tea. When you purchase fair trade white tea, you are supporting sustainable environmental practices and you are also ensured of receiving a quality product.

Don't forget the green teas. Sencha leaf tea is the standard cup of green tea in Japan, also made from the first tender leaves of the tea plant. Sencha leaf tea is harvested in early summer, steamed, twisted and dried.


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